As contemporary percussionists in the 21st century, we are almost required to be an endless resource of abilities and techniques. Many of these being ones that will never be learned, taught, or addressed until it is needed for a specific piece/performance.
Etude in 60 is an online series consisting of 60 second long etudes for the contemporary percussionist, acting as an educational resource to learn and perfect new techniques. Videos discuss various topics from performance practice, rehearsal methods, the use of electronics, building/finding sounds, and more. This is a place for performers to try new ideas and create new sounds. Find sheet music and video links, organized by instrument, within the navigation menu above.
Multi/Drums | Mallets | Mallet Rhythmic Etudes | Techniques | Composition
Etude in 60: ONE found-percussion - Sheet Music -
This etude allows the performer to think creatively in their set-up, requiring all "found" items. From a technical aspect, the music is created with several overlapping dotted rhythms, requiring the need for each hand to act independently from one another.
set-up specifics: two large flowerpots, one wood slat, one ceramic bowl, one metal bell, four metal pipes. the performer is encouraged to explore different pitches and may substitute other objects of similar sounds.
Etude in 60: THREE drum-set - Sheet Music - Practice Track - Performance Track -
This etude challenges the performer through a misleading use of a 5:4 polyrhythm. Toward the end of the etude a metric modulation places emphasis of the grouping of 4.
set-up specifics: kick drum, snare, floor tom, rack tom, hi-hat, ride, crash
Etude in 60: FIVE multi-percussion - Sheet Music -
This etude is set in a time signature of 30/16 with an emphasis on groupings of five. An ostinato is created on the drums with a repeated five note grouping while a melody is created on a set of pipes happening every six notes. The challenge is letting the melody sing while keeping the ostinato steady and relaxed.
set-up specifics: bongos, medium tom, low tom, kick drum, four pipes
Etude in 60: EIGHT multi w/ prepared vibraphone - Sheet Music -
This etude introduces some more use of a looper pedal, this time with overlapping polyrhythms created with a prepared vibraphone along with an assortment of other sounds. The challenge in this will be creating the polyrhythmic modulations over the original loop. To learn more about looper pedals see etude seven.
setup specifics: prepared vibraphone (Eb5, F5, Gb5, Ab5, A5 with binder clips on the edge of the bar), low tom, sizzle cymbal, and stacker (performed with a foot pedal)
Etude in 60: NINE drum-set - Sheet Music - Practice Track - Performance Track -
This etude showcases the use of cymbals within various beats and fills. The performer is challenged by first placing emphasis on the up-beat and later having to turn it around.
set-up specifics: kick drum, snare, hi-hats, 4+ cymbals
Etude in 60: TEN multi-percussion - Sheet Music -
This etude is created in a way that takes 5 unique voice within a multi-percussion set-up and gives each one it's own responsibility within the overall texture. Often multi-percussion works are so thick that the performer may not understand each individual line and with this etude it's a chance to learn to analyze that thick texture and find those lines.
set-up specifics: two pitched pipes, metallic "chic" sound, wood, non-specific-pitched resonant metal, non-specific-pitched "earthy" resonant objects
Etude in 60: FIFTEEN battery-percussion - Sheet Music -
This etude challenges the performer through a continuous set of metric modulations. Starting at a tempo of 60 and ending at a tempo of 190 it is important to remain relaxed and steady through each metric change.
set-up specifics: bongos, medium tom, kick drum, sizzle cymbal
Multi/Drums | Mallets | Mallet Rhythmic Etudes | Techniques | Composition
Etude in 60: TWO prepared vibraphone - Sheet Music -
This etude features a lightly prepared vibraphone performed with a bow in the left hand and two mallets in the right hand. Tackling issues of simultaneous bow and mallet use where the performer is required to bow a note in the middle of two struck notes.
preparation specifics: a quarter is placed on the node of F3 and G3, motor on: medium speed
Etude in 60: FOUR vibraphone w/ non-traditional implements - Sheet Music -
This etude features the use of non-traditional mallet implements to explore new sound capabilities without any alterations to the instrument. The player is required to pay close attention to the use of inner and outer mallets to use the different implements in the etude.
mallet specifics: hard rubber mallets to be always performed on the node of the bars - rute sticks to be used on the surface of the bar as well as the edge of the bar
Etude in 60: SIX prepared vibraphone - Sheet Music -
This etude features a lightly prepared vibraphone performed with a bow in the left hand and a hard metal mallet in the right hand. The hard mallet is used in an extended technique requiring the performer to strike accidental bars on the inside edge, sounding the harmonics of each bar over the fundamental pitch.
preparation specifics: foil is placed on the natural bars between F3 through C4 - a hard metal mallet is required for the harmonics
Etude in 60: SEVEN pitched percussion - Sheet Music -
This etude, influenced by the music of Steve Reich, explores the use of repeating patterns on top of one another through the use of a looper pedal. If a looper pedal is unavailable the etude can also be performed as a trio.
instrument specifics: the featured video shows the etude being performed on a set of pitched metal pipes, however, the music can be performed on any pitched percussion from glockenspiel to vibraphone or a mixed variety
Etude in 60: EIGHT prepared vibraphone w/ multi - Sheet Music -
This etude introduces some more use of a looper pedal, this time with overlapping polyrhythms created with a prepared vibraphone along with an assortment of other sounds. The challenge in this will be creating the polyrhythmic modulations over the original loop. To learn more about looper pedals see etude seven.
setup specifics: prepared vibraphone (Eb5, F5, Gb5, Ab5, A5 with binder clips on the edge of the bar), low tom, sizzle cymbal, and stacker (performed with a foot pedal)
Etude in 60: ELEVEN marimba - Sheet Music -
This etude explores the low register of a 5-octave marimba, utilizing techniques that bring out both resonant and rhythmic qualities of the instrument. Revolving around various "2nd" intervals, the performer is challenged to execute double-stops and rotations within a small interval.
setup specifics: the music calls for a 5-octave instrument, if a 5-octave instrument is not available the entire etude may be transposed up one octave to fit on smaller instruments
Etude in 60: TWELVE marimba - Sheet Music -
This etude focuses on open chordal passages within the low register of a 5-octave marimba. The performer is challenged to create a warm/dark tone while "filling the space" between chordal and melodic content. A smooth legato approach is important to portraying the mood of this etude.
setup specifics: the music calls for a 5-octave instrument, if a 5-octave instrument is not available the entire etude may be transposed up one octave to fit on smaller instruments
Etude in 60: THIRTEEN vibraphone - Sheet Music -
This etude uses alternating time signatures along with long pedaling and mallet dampening to create an open sound. The challenge is in clear mallet dampening to accurately voice the chords within the music.
instrument specifics: the music calls for a standard vibraphone
Etude in 60: FOURTEEN vibraphone - Sheet Music -
This etude uses a mixture of rutes and bows to create unique textures, layered on top of one another with the use of a looper pedal. The vibraphone pedal is held down for the entire duration to create a ‘wash’ of sound as you build each line on top of the last
instrument specifics: the music calls for a standard vibraphone and a looper pedal, rute sticks, and two bows
Etude in 60: SIXTEEN vibraphone - Sheet Music -
This etude focuses on the use of rippled chords as well as mallet dampening to change chord quality with a single voice. The challenge is keeping consistent note quality within each rippled chord as well as clear voicing when dampening individual pitches.
instrument specifics: the music calls for a standard vibraphone
Mallet Rhythmic Etudes
Multi/Drums | Mallets | Mallet Rhythmic Etudes | Techniques | Composition
The goal of the “Mallet Rhythmic Etudes” is to work on technique while away from an instrument. Although these etudes are designed to be utilized off of an instrument they certainly can be applied to any mallet instrument by selecting any four pitches to place your mallets. If performing this etude on an instrument a recommended interval of 4ths or 5ths would be most comfortable.
The staff within each etude is written in a way that each line corresponds to each mallet, with ‘1’ being the left-most mallet as well as the bottom line and ‘4’ being the right-most mallet as well as the top line.
Mallet Rhythmic Etude no. 1 - sheet music -
In this etude there is a combination of techniques strung together in often fast changing textures. It is important to isolate any specific techniques within this etude that may be giving you trouble in order to ensure smooth transitions from one technique to the next.
Mallet Rhythmic Etude no. 2 - sheet music -
In this etude there is a combination of techniques strung together in often fast changing textures. It is important to isolate any specific techniques within this etude that may be giving you trouble in order to ensure smooth transitions from one technique to the next.
Mallet Rhythmic Etude no. 3 - sheet music -
In this etude there is a focus on the 1-2-3-4-3-2 sticking pattern. While this pattern is often used to execute triplet based figures, this etude continues the pattern through constantly changing rhythmic groupings. It is important to be comfortable executing this pattern starting from any mallet.
Mallet Rhythmic Etude no. 4 - sheet music -
In this etude there is a focus on the 1-2-3-4 sticking pattern. While this pattern is often used to execute duple based figures, this etude continues the pattern through constantly changing rhythmic groupings. It is important to be comfortable executing this pattern starting from any mallet.
Mallet Rhythmic Etude no. 5 - sheet music -
In this etude there is a combination of techniques strung together in often fast changing textures. It is important to isolate any specific techniques within this etude that may be giving you trouble in order to ensure smooth transitions from one technique to the next.
Mallet Rhythmic Etude no. 6 - sheet music -
In this etude there is a combination of techniques strung together in often fast changing textures. It is important to isolate any specific techniques within this etude that may be giving you trouble in order to ensure smooth transitions from one technique to the next.
Multi/Drums | Mallets | Mallet Rhythmic Etudes | Techniques | Composition
Left Foot Hi-Hat Independence drum-set + multi-percussion - Sheet Music -
This exercise uses a technique borrowed from rudimental drumming know as the "grid." Applied here on drum-set, the hi-hat foot is placed into a 16th-note grid pattern, shifting the placement by one 16th note each section. In this version, I chose to use a measure of 5/4 at the end of each section to reset the pattern. If you are not a drum-set player, this concept can also be applied to multi-percussion setups.
ride - for use in multi-percussion, place the grid pattern in one hand with an ostinato in the other - BONUS - if you create an ostinato with 4-mallet technique you can also work on inside/outside mallet independence
Metronome Techniques mallet percussion + transfer to any instrument - Sheet Music -
This exercise explores extended uses of a metronome to improve timing and subdivision within your personal practice. Get outside of your comfort zone and put the metronome any other than the downbeat.
set-up specifics: included music is for mallet instruments but the concept can be applied to any instrument in any situation
Dotted Rhythm Modulation drum-set + multi-percussion - Sheet Music
This exercise uses a slowly shifting pattern in three to bring out the hidden hemiola. By using dotted eighth notes and dotted quarter notes it slowly shifts into a larger feeling in two. If you are not a drum-set player, this concept can also be applied to multi-percussion setups.
set-up specifics: kick drum, snare, ride - for use in multi-percussion, place the ride pattern in one hand with the snare/kick pattern in the other - the snare/kick pattern will require 4-mallet technique which will also work on inside/outside mallet independence
Mallet Instrument Height mallet-percussion
This video explores the lesser discussed topic of proper mallet instrument heights. Going into detail with a focus on how an instrument that is too low will put strain on your technique and your body.
although this video does not come with any music players are encouraged to examine their mallet instrument heights to improve their performance
Four Tips for Performance Planning and Preparation
This video discusses some common topics related to percussion performance that are often overlooked. Step beyond just learning notes and learn how to prepare for the best possible performance from a logistics point of view.
although this video does not include any music performers are encouraged to take these tips into their daily practice in order to prepare for a smooth and stress-free performance
Outer - Inner mallet-percussion
This exercise explores the rotation of outer mallets vs. inner mallets in four mallet technique. Rather than just giving you a basic example this version explores different rhythmic variations as well as a multitude of intervals and dynamics.
set-up specifics: the included music is written for vibraphone but can be adapted to any mallet instrument as long as the range fits - the exercise can also be transposed up and down by octaves to utilizes the lower or higher end of various instruments
Multi/Drums | Mallets | Mallet Rhythmic Etudes | Techniques | Composition
Composing for Percussion: Instrumentation
In this video the topic of "Instrumentation" is broken down into two categories: the actual instruments you use and how you'll set those instruments up.